Aesthetic Marketing Consultant

aesthetic market trends

Top Aesthetic Market Trends to Watch for Going into 2021

Aesthetic market trends come and go. As such, predicting what’s going to be trendy in 2021 can be a bit difficult. More so when you consider the fact that COVID-19 has dominated the news for much of the year.

That said, it’s not all doom and gloom as it’s projected that we will see an improvement of fortunes not just for plastic surgery practitioners like yourself, but for patients as well.

In as much as life will probably never be the same again, there are still some areas of life that have been preserved and will remain unchanged going forward. Thankfully, cosmetic surgery doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon.

In many ways, it’s all thanks to the rise of technology. With cosmetic surgery, you can now tailor procedures to suit patients’ needs and desires as they have the freedom to enhance different aspects of themselves. It’s also worth noting that depending on the application, issues like fashion and aesthetic market trends can dictate their preferences.

Effectively, this means that some procedures may be more popular than others every so often. As per the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, most patients tend to look for procedures that enhance their skin to reduce body contouring and wrinkles.

With our finger on the pulse, we have the update on how the aesthetic market trends will look like in 2021. Here’s what you can expect for cosmetic surgery marketing:

  1. Non-surgical Nose Job

Non-surgical rhinoplasty, popularly known as the liquid nose job treatment is fast gaining traction among both men and women.

Expectedly, social media is believed to have had a powerful influence on the popularity of the treatment. Also, there’s minimal downtime involved which further adds to the allure. As you can imagine, if a patient is unsure if they are ready to commit to surgical alteration to their nose, a liquid nose job is a great option for them to sort of “try it, before they buy it.”

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The procedure has several applications in that patients get to lift the tip of the nose, make the nose smaller and symmetrical, plus smooth out curves and tiny bumps on the bridge of the nose. For hooked noses, a dermal filler is injected atop and under the nose bump to even things out.

  1. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Most commonly associated with the “vampire facial,” PRP procedures have quickly gained mass appeal thanks to celebrities sharing on social media platforms. Models like Bar Refaeli, actors like Rupert Everett and the ever trend-savvy Kim Kardashian largely played a hand in influencing patients to consider a PRP treatment.

It’s also worth documenting that PRP procedures have grown thanks to the fact that patients love that their own body’s natural healing powers are used to enhance and restore their appearance.

As the name suggests, Platelet-Rich Plasma involves the harnessing of the healing qualities of patients’ blood to initiate the natural process in the skin. What makes it appealing to patients is because the body swiftly acts to repair and restore the condition of the skin.

The PRP procedure also has applications in hair rejuvenation and regrowth since the body interprets the reinjection of platelets into the body as a stimulus for hair growth. Over time, patients tend to notice an increase in the number of individual hair strands and their thickness.

With results visible in a month and lasting up to 12 weeks, the only way is up for the PRP procedure.

  1. The Rise of Men’s Cosmetic Procedures

Contrary to conventional thinking, more men are seeking out aesthetic procedures performed on them. With plastic surgery being the go-to move for most, procedures like liposuction, eyelid surgery, chemical peels for acne scarring, and body sculpting with fat transfer are increasing in popularity among men.

Notably, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons data indicates that men consist only 13 percent of all cosmetic surgeries and about 8 percent of minimally invasive cosmetic procedures. While this statistic clearly shows that there’s no parity between men and women, it’s quite impressive when you consider that the numbers are growing with each passing year.

Also worth noting is that the love affair with non-invasiveness seems to appeal in particular to men who generally prefer zero downtime and easier to conceal that they had work done.

Having revealed this, men tend to take a different approach during consultation and decision-making processes when compared to women. As revealed by one doctor, consultations with men are usually one-sided because most men don’t like asking for directions. Strikingly, they tend to show up for consultations ready to act, even when they don’t know exactly what they want.

  1. Injectables and Lip Fillers

In 2021, it’s expected that patients will be looking to create facial balance. With lips occupying a significant portion of the face, there seems to be a drive towards the “less is more” philosophy. While overfilling the lips seemed to be atop the aesthetic market trends in years past, minimalism seems to be in fashion.

Today, patients are focusing more on enhancing the shape of the mouth to be more refined and symmetrical.

One of the popular dermal fillers used is hyaluronic acid based injectables, a natural substance found in the body that enhances the look of the mouth by adding shape, structure, and volume. Since results from the procedure last for about 6 months, it’s highly recommended for patients to go back for a second procedure after six months so that their “glow-up” is sustained.

How To Apply 2021 Aesthetic Market Trends To Your Practice’s Marketing Plan

While chasing fads and keeping up with aesthetic market trends can have its pros, it’s important that as a physician you first consider the needs of your patients before anything else.

An understanding of the market can help you lay out your aesthetic marketing strategy and thrive even in the most turbulent of times. In this regard, we believe that aesthetic consulting services are invaluable if you don’t want your practice to lag as the competition makes leaps forward.

How about adding that to your New Year’s resolutions?
