Aesthetic Marketing Consultant

plastic surgery email marketing

Email is Not Dead! Plastic Surgery Email Marketing Tips for Today

Believe it or not, plastic surgery email marketing is not dead and still has a lot of potential to help you grow your aesthetics practice. As such, don’t be so quick to kill it just as yet.

While social media platforms seem to be all the rage today, email still retains a special place in the marketing scene. This is because it’s a very personal way for you to reach out to your patients. Rather than pandering to patients need to immediately engage, as social media platforms often do, email is more of an offering. Ideally, your emails need to contain information you believe is worth your patients’ time.

To effectively deploy plastic surgery email marketing, you need to be tactful in your approach. Join us as we share insights that are sure to transform the way you do business.

Why Plastic Surgery Email Marketing Is Important

Compared to other options, email tends to have a longer shelf life. As a marketer, this is an important note to underline as it means your content doesn’t immediately fizzle out once it’s read.

Given that 90 percent of people aged 15 and above in the U.S. use email, you must invest your time in email marketing. Through regular promotional and compelling emails to your patients, you’ll be able to stay top of mind with your patients.

Importantly, with email, you also have control over your email list. This is in contrast to social media platforms where you have zero control over who follows your platforms and engages with your content. On the flip side, email marketing gives you the power to curate content for your target audience.

 Plastic Surgery Email Marketing Tips

1. Compelling Copy

We live in a fast-paced world where everyone seems to be up to something. Before you hit send on that email, you need to remember that your patients have lives to lead. No one wants to open and read an email that doesn’t excite or inform them.

 As such, you need to create a compelling reason that captures their imagination. This way, they won’t ignore that email alert or hit the unsubscribe button as soon as your email hits their inbox.

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2. Killer Subject Lines

It’s not enough to have great copy if no one ever gets to open your email. To get heard, you need your foot through the door and killer subject lines ensure that this happens.

As you develop your subject lines, think about something that sparks the interest of your patients. Something intriguing enough that they feel compelled to learn more by reading your email.

Here are some great subject lines you can try out:

  • How to lose belly fat once and for all
  • Look 7 years younger without surgery
  • How to know if she had a facelift

3. Personalize

On paper, it sounds like an easy job. You know, simply adding <<FIRSTNAME>> to the code on the subject line and voila! Personalization achieved.

In truth, patients now demand more. They need to feel that you know them well enough before they can commit to booking an appointment with you. For this, you need to send offers that relate to your patients’ past behavior. What are some of the procedures they underwent? Where do they live? What are some of the topics that interested them?

By successfully answering these questions, you’ll be able to develop content that’s relevant to your patients’ interests and behaviors.

4. Frequency

As a business, you need to find a regimen and stick to it. If you’re accustomed to sending out one email per week, then, that’s your magic number. What you should not do is bump up the number of emails you send to become a daily event. While it may make sense from a mathematical viewpoint in terms of probability, it’s not wise to do so.

When you do this, you’ll be forcing your patients to invest their time in deleting unwanted emails. Eventually, they’ll get tired of doing this and they’ll choose to unsubscribe and cut the cord completely. You don’t want that, so, don’t overdo it.

5. Monitor Your Effectiveness

Many people fail at plastic surgery email marketing because they treat it as a free venture. While it’s undoubtedly a cheap way to communicate with patients, there’s a hidden danger most businesses don’t see.

To ensure that everything flows smoothly, email providers tend to review open rates and click rates. When they realize that a good number of your audience isn’t opening your emails, then, your reputation as a mailer is soiled. With time, your deliverability also takes a hit.

Since you want to remain in business, you must make use of the tools in your email process to highlight the patients who aren’t interactive. Rather than blindly emailing them, it’s better to:

  • Use special messaging to try and reactivate these patients.
  • Reduce the frequency at which you’re emailing patients.
  • Drop them from your emailing list.

Importantly, try to have a transparent process. Instead of hiding that unsubscribe link, why not make it easy for patients to unsubscribe from your list? There’s no need to have your patients jump through hoops for them to stop receiving emails from you.

While your list will get smaller and you’ll be sending fewer emails, it’s a brilliant strategy for you to build loyalty and spearhead more sales.


Plastic surgery email marketing gives you the power to reach multiple patients without much hassle. However, it’s easy to cause both prospective and existing patients to lose interest in your business. Especially now that the social media scene has reshaped how online conversations happen.

Thankfully, the pointers we’ve shared will prove handy in leading you down the right path. In case you find that you’re having some trouble starting, then, we recommend taking on the services of an aesthetic marketing consultant. Their experience in the field will help you attract, convert, close, and delight patients. Learn more about plastic surgery practice marketing
